Great news: in November 2020, one of my investigations that fully depended on open-source intelligence has won a journalism award for…
NRC Handelsblad: Nederlands plastic afval gedumpt in Turkije
Wij ontdekten hoe er Nederlands plastic, van dropzakjes tot bedrijfsafval, illegaal gedumpt kan worden in de natuur in Turkije – officieel om…
Remote sensing analysis shows the destroyed villages of Darfur
Satellite images are useful when scanning for changes in buildings and land. ‘Remote sensing…
OSINT research results in criminal case against arms producer
Authorities in Denmark have filed a criminal complaint against an arms manufacturer following our OSINT research into…
Trouw: Satellietbeelden-onderzoek verwoesting in Darfur
Voor dagblad Trouw analyseerde ik de verwoesting en ontheemding van dorpen…
EUarms: Various OSINT investigations
While being trained in open-source intelligence (OSINT) research skills I have collaborated…